Inspired by Ozarikan Gaming (blog that he makes)
Play my section here.
Phantom, Agent or Phobia[]
Difficulty: Hard | Length : Medium
- This is first section sendify946 created.
- This section tied with Double Crossed and Mixture for being the sections with most features in Tower of Hell.
- This section references 3 sequel in Tower of Hell, Phantom, Secret Agent and Xanthophobia.
- The phobia route references to Claustrophobia, fear of enclosed or tight spaces.
- This is the first section sendify946 created that player can choose the route to complete the section.
- Only this section have moving phantom platforms sendify946 created, same featured with Switching Sides.
Conveyor Balance[]
Difficulty: Medium | Length : Short
- This is shortest section sendify946 made with 20 stud length.
- This section had the thinnest conveyor.
Difficulty: Hard | Length: Long
- The section's name and design are references to waterfall.
- This is the first section sendify946 created it used plugin, Archimedes Two (v2.4) to make curve conveyor.
Difficulty: Medium | Length: Long
- This section inspired by roblox game, Epic Minigames, Turntable Scurry minigame.
Difficulty : Easy | Length : Long
- This section is mashup of All Around (Crystonus) and Scattered.
Difficulty : Insane | Length : Long
- This is the tallest section sendify946 created with 150 studs.
- This is the first section sendify946 post in YXceptional Studio Discord Server #sections.
- Currently this section had spinning truss.
Anti Incompatibility (Secret Section)[]
Difficulty : Easy | Length : Short
- This section were made to prevent Incompatibility.
Climbing back[]
Difficulty : Medium | Length : Medium
Not Even The Tower[]
Difficulty : Medium | Length : Short
- This section's name reference to Not Even A Tower from the game Juke's Tower of Hell.