Tower of Hell Wiki

Trident is a section created by DerHausaufgabe and was added on August 4th, 2021.


This teal section starts with a slanted platform which leads to 2 wraparounds with killpart strips on the top of each.

Then, the player is led to a long conveyor with a killpart strip at the end of it. This leads to a shorter conveyor that slants downward with a killpart strip at the front, then a conveyor that points upward with a killpart strip at the end. After this is a long conveyor similar to the first. The conveyors are placed around the edges of a large cross-shaped killpart, forcing the player to jump at certain points on the conveyors.

The last conveyor leads to a set of 3 wraparounds each with a killpart strip on the bottom. The wraparounds incline toward a conveyor ramp with a killpart strip at the end leading to platform with an identical conveyor ramp that leads to a couple of slanted platforms, each with a killpart strip on the bottom. The slanted platforms lead to the end of the section.


  • Jump on the conveyors to slow yourself down.
  • It is possible to jump on top of the second set of wraparounds to skip over them.
  • The second set of wraparounds cannot kill you, so don't worry about the killparts on the bottom.
  • You can skip the first and last platform to save time.
  • Be careful of the conveyors with killparts on the edges as it is easy to get killed by them.
  • You can also jump from the end of the third set of conveyors to the second wraparound to save time.
  • You can also jump onto the walls by either wallhopping onto the walls or doing the shortcut listed above and jumping straight onto the walls.


  • The section name which is reference of trident weapon with the same name and shape of the section from eye-bird view.

