Tower of Hell Wiki
Tower of Hell Wiki

Triangle Terror is a section created by Archimetropolis and was added on August 4th, 2021.


This dark green section starts with a small platform where the player waits for a rotating triangular prism that they must traverse onto. It spins clockwise at a moderate rate and has several obstacles attached to it on all three of its sides, inside and out.

Outer Segment: The outer segment starts with three platforms attached on the first side and then a long platform on the second side with three killparts along it which the player must jump over. Then, there are six more platforms the player must jump across, four of which are attached to the third side and the other two back at the first wall. This leads to an opening on the sixth platform, leading to the inner area of the triangular prism where a few more obstacles follow.

Inner Segment: The inner segment starts with a long platform attached on one side from the inside this time with a killpart on it which the player must jump over. This is followed with two more platforms attached to the other two sides which the player has to jump onto to reach the top of the triangular prism.

After that, there are two spinning triangles, each of them having a killpart on the middle of all three sides. The first triangle spins counterclockwise and the second one clockwise.

Finally, there is a triangle spinning vertically and counterclockwise. The player must jump onto this and then jump off onto the end platform.


  • While traversing through the outer sides of the triangular prism, don't jump too far forward, because it will provide momentum.
  • The easiest way to jump around the corners on the outer sides of the triangular prism is to stand on the edge of the platforms, then jump without moving.
  • Take your time while doing this section.


  • Similarly to The Halo and Eternity, the triangular prism can sometimes glitch and spawn under the tower, making the section impossible to complete.
  • This section shares the same color as Movement and Asymmetric.
  • This section shares similarity with Illyngophobia, Hexagon Havoc, and Cylinder Chaos.