Tower of Hell Wiki

Ripple is a section created by Flre_Ball on August 4, 2019.


The section starts two bricks that have two neon strips. The next two bricks have a strip on the lowest end of the brick that leads to a truss in which the bottom part of the truss is neon. Then, the player has to hop onto five of the same brick in which the neon is at the end of a part. Lastly, the section goes up again with the neon being on the outer part of the brick-like before, but it is located on the right side of the brick. The section ends with a truss with four bricks to the next section.


  • Jump before the hitboxes, you will probably die if you get to close while moving and jumping at the same time.


  • This was the second section in THE Tower of Hell in the replacement of Unstable before Forced Hell was released. After, Ripple became the third section.
  • This section’s final four bricks leads you to the left. But for a short time, the final four bricks used to lead to the right. But it has now currently changed back to the way it was before.