Tower of Hell Wiki
Tower of Hell Wiki

Red Cylinders of Doom is a section created by ObrenTune and was added on August 12th, 2018.


This dark red section starts by having the player walk around a cylinder. There are blocks on the walkway which the player must either carefully walk around or jump around. They then must do jumps to four more cylinders, each of them also having blocks on the walkway.

When they get past those four cylinders, they'll walk to a final cylinder, which then leads to some more jumps which take you to a truss going to the next section.

Each cylinder has a circular killpart on top of it, and when you are doing the final few jumps, you must be careful or else you will fall onto the killpart.


  • Jump boosters are not recommended because you may touch the killparts above the cylinders.
  • It may help to use shift lock and wrap around the blocks as doing so will save time.

