Tower of Hell Wiki

Perilous Path is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on April 1st, 2021.


This red section starts with a conveyor that leads to two small platforms to jump on and two small killparts that must be avoided. After that, it leads to another conveyor that leads to a platform with a floating killpart on the left side and a platform with a floating killpart on the right side.

The player then must jump onto two platforms with floating killparts above the platforms. Then, there is a conveyor which leads to two small platforms and three small killparts. Finally, there are three platforms with two killparts between them that lead to the end of the section.


  • Jump on the conveyors to slow yourself down.
  • Jump from the edges of the platforms with floating killparts above them so you have a smaller chance of dying.
  • Jump onto the last three platforms by the left side to be further away from the killparts between them.



Roblox Studio
