Tower of Hell Wiki

Pain is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on June 22nd, 2019.


This red section starts with four bricks on the wall that lead up to a truss, which then leads to a downhill slope with three killparts. After that, there is a killpart splitting the pathway into two with a killpart infront of the left side and a killpart at the middle of the right side. This leads to the second truss, where two more killparts pursue after.

This is followed by a slanted path with killparts on the edges, and a killpart is located on the downslope. After that, there are three tall killparts, two on the right and one on the left. Then there is a dip in the path, each of the slopes having a killpart, along with a killpart connecting the two slopes. There are then two squared killparts on a path leading to the third truss.

After that, there is a downhill slope with a killpart at the end. Going down this slope leads the player to five trusses, which they must jump across to reach the end of the section.


  • It is possible to skip the first truss when the downhill slope is reached, however it is very risky.
  • It is also possible to skip a few killparts on the downslope by making a further jump from the first truss which is less riskier.


  • This used to be the 66th section in The Tower of Hell.
    • The stage was labeled 666th instead of 66th, as a reference to the devil's number.
  • This section is the same color as Abstract and Invert.
  • This section replaced Temple of Doom.
  • The section's original model can be found in the Roblox Library.[1]
    • A more recent version of the model which may be identical to the one used in Tower of Hell can also be found in the Roblox Library.[2]


The Tower of Hell

Roblox Studio

