Tower of Hell Wiki
"Why do I rarely see this section?"
This section, Outside, is a secret section. Secret sections are very rare and thus do not appear in towers often. They often have unique features that cannot be found in vanilla sections.
The Vault Art

Not to be confused with One Side.

Outside is a secret section created by uwuPyxl and was added on October 11th, 2019.



This gray section features an arch that the player can walk through and go outside of the tower. The starting platform is doubled in length to serve as a balcony to get a more clear view. There are some blocks to the right which is the excess from the blocks inside of the tower that the player can jump on. There is nothing at the end of the blocks. The player can go back inside the tower and resume gameplay like normal.

After the arch, there are seven inclined blocks with glowing lines underneath them (The lines are not killparts). The player must traverse the blocks to reach the end of the section.


This gray section features a window where you can look outside. It is an invisible wall placed in the arch to prevent players from going outside of the tower. If you can laugh clip or /e dance2 clip through the wall, you can go outside the tower. The invincibility mutator must be bought or else you will die once you clip outside.

After the window, there are seven inclined blocks with glowing lines underneath them (The lines are not killparts). The player must traverse the blocks to reach the end of the section.


  • This is the only section in the game where the starting platform is doubled in length.
  • Upon release, the section did not have a barrier and players could walk outside. On an unknown date, the barrier was added in, but then on an unknown date, it was reverted back to no barrier which is how it remains today.
  • Back when the section used to the have the barrier, if this section is underneath T or Bender, the invisible barrier is removed and players can walk outside of the tower.
  • This section used to be one of four sections where one or more walls are partially replaced with a window. The others are Nice View, Prideful Heart, and Prideful Paw.

