Tower of Hell Wiki
Tower of Hell Wiki

Movement is a section created by uwuPyxl and was added on August 20th, 2018.


This dark green section features several moving platforms, spinning platforms, and one truss. You start off with a moving platform that takes you to a truss. Next, there is another moving platform that rotates around an x-axis. Then, you jump onto a platform that moves left to right, but not in a long distance. After that, you hop onto another moving platform that rotates around a y-axis. Then, you jump to a stationary platform that spins moderately where you wait for the next moving platform. Lastly, you hop onto a diagonal moving platform and jump across a fast spinning platform that follows to reach the end of the section.


  • When you're close to the end, hold jump when you hop onto the fast-spinning platform so you won't get flung off.
  • Time your jumps correctly to make sure you don't fall in the process.
  • If the jumps seem to far, wait until you come back to the following platform or for it to come back and make sure it is safer to jump on.


  • This used to be the 119th section in The Tower of Hell.
  • This section used to end straight in the middle but was moved to the left to prevent incompatibility.
  • Sometimes you have to wait an extra "round" until you jump onto the next platform as the platforms' movement is usually poorly aligned.
  • This section can break occasionally, meaning if you jump on one of the moving platforms, it may spin extremely fast and fling you off the platform.
  • There is a sequel to this section called Faster Movement.