Hurdle Hurtle is a section created by Archimetropolis and was added on December 31st, 2020.
This dark violet section starts with a big L-shaped platform with eight tall killpart jumps, the last two killparts having even taller killparts at the sides the player must avoid.
After, there is a long backwards conveyor with three tall killpart jumps and two wraparounds leading to a platform and a truss attached to the back of the second wraparound wall.
The truss leads to the top of the second wraparound. Then, the player must jump onto the top of the first wraparound wall and wait there for a moving platform with four tall killpart jumps on its way ending the section.
- Use shift lock to easily align yourself when doing several hard jumps and wrap arounds.
- It is recommended to keep jumping on the conveyor to slow yourself down and have time to align yourself.
- If you get the exact right position, you can avoid doing the second wraparound by climbing the truss at the front of the second wraparound even if you can't see it, instead of doing the wraparound and climbing the truss. This is due to the truss being way too attached to the back of the wraparound wall.
- This used to be the 38th section in The Tower of Hell.
- This section is probably based of hurdling, as it has conveyors that have killparts the player must jump over.