Tower of Hell Wiki
Tower of Hell Wiki
No Art
"Gone. Reduced to atoms."
This section is a removed section which was scrapped and can no longer be seen in-game.

Hardy Snake is a section created by Nx_ahh and was added on an unknown date and was removed on December 31st, 2020.


This light green section started with a long course of one-studded platforms (12 in total) which later on turned to the left once and then turned to the right twice before leading onto a square platform connected to a thin pathway that curved to the left. This led the player onto another course of one-studded platforms (8 in total) that first went to the left then made a turn to the right.

This led to two trusses by the left hand side which led to another course of one-studded platforms (5 in total) with the majority of them being tilted. The course then turns to the left before leading to another square platform, similar to the one from earlier but without the thin pathway. This led to the final course of one-studded platforms (4 in total) which headed directly to the front. Finally, there are two connected platforms that looked like a small staircase. These platforms took the player to the end of the section.


This section was removed because its creator, Nx_ahh, was demoted from the builder role.


  • It is recommended to take every possible shortcut that you can find when doing the one-studded platforms as this makes the process of completing the section less tedious, more consistent, and more quicker.
  • Once you get near the trusses, you can skip the first truss and jump straight onto the second truss to save time.


  • This was the 164th section in The Tower of Hell.
  • During December 31st, 2020. This section along with Sloppy Jumps and Decisions was officially removed off in the game.
  • Since this was the only section created by Nx_ahh and with the section being removed later, they have no other sections left in the game anymore.
  • The original model has a tightrope with killparts on it, this was removed from the version seen in-game.[1]


