Tower of Hell Wiki

Tower of Hell features some events that only last a short period of time.

This page shows the history of what happened in every single event so far, ordered from most recent to least recent.

RB Battles 2022[]

Tower of Hell is a part of the third Roblox Battles Championship (commonly known as RB Battles). Two new badges are added to Tower of Hell on December 5th, 2022, named "???" and "RB Battles Championship". As of March 9th, 2023, both badges are disabled.

On December 14th, 2022 Tower of Hell updated to release the Tower of Hell RB servers to the public, allowing the "RB Battles Championship" badge to be obtainable. As of March 3rd, 2023, the game has been privated.

To obtain the "RB Battles Championship" badge, join the Tower of Hell RB servers by touching the RB Battles portals in either a noob tower server, pro tower server, or a private server. The portal is just to the right of the start ladder (UPDATE: The portal has been removed on March 3rd, 2023).

Once in the server, complete the first section and take one of the two paths on the sides. Complete the two horizontal sections, the two vanilla sections and touch the halo piece at the end. Do the same for the other side to get the second piece. Return to the middle and complete the middle path to get the last halo piece. Continue up the same path to reach the final door at the top. Once you touch the door, your three halo pieces will drop and no longer shine, and the color dots on the door will light up with your corresponding pieces. When all three pairs of lights are on, the door will open. Touch the white door at the end to receive the badge

PinkLeaf and Jackeryz competed in Tower of Hell RB server on December 14th in the first round of RB Battles. Pinkleaf won and received 30,000 Robux and progressed to the semi-finals, ultimately losing to TanqR.

Christmas 2022[]

The current event is similar to the previous Christmas event from 2021, with snow particles falling throughout the tower.

Next to the ladder a snowman was added, when you touch the snowman a pink hat will be equipped onto your avatar. The hat will stay on your head until you die, including between rounds. Behind the snowman, there is a small statue of the YXCeptional mascot Pyx.

Pride Month 2022[]

To celebrate Pride Month, Tower of Hell released a total of 41 new pride effects for players to collect, along with 2 new secret sections for players to find. The name of one of the trails from the 2021 event was also changed (from Gay Male Trail to Vincian Trail).

On June 1st, two new secret sections were released called Prideful Heart and Prideful Paw. Each section contains windows, moving platforms, 3 pride flags and either a heart or a paw in the middle. The flags and heart/paw display a random pride flag, touching the heart/paw will give the player a corresponding effect which can be worn above their head.

Later, on June 9th, 2022, more pride effects were added. A heart, paw and trail each for Abrosexual, Bigender and Pangender.

April Fools 2022[]

To celebrate April Fools' day, the Fluffy mutator was added. This mutator turns your avatar into a random version of the avatar of the YXCeptional mascot Pyx. Dying when this mutator is activated will generate another version of the Pyx avatar.

The avatar generated is (presumably) random with different heads, tails, paw colors and stripe patterns. However, there are a limited number of colors the outfits can be, an example of each can be seen below:

Christmas 2021[]

To celebrate Advent and Christmas, snow particles were added that fall in the tower. The snowman returns again and is positioned in the same spot as it was during Christmas 2020: to the right side of the portal to Pro Towers. Players who touch the snowman have a pink hat equipped onto their head until they next die. Instead of a small radispook located behind the snowman like in previous Christmas events, there is a scaled down R6 model of the YXCeptional mascot "Pyx".

New sections were added per day from December 1st to 25th in an advent calender style.

Three Christmas themed secret sections have also been added to celebrate Christmas: Christmas Tree, Snow Castle and Workshop. These sections can give you Christmas themed effects to wear.

Note: The new sections will be added daily to both the table below and the wiki's monthly updates spreadsheet.[1]

Date added Name Creator
December 1 Rising Temper Flre_Ball
December 2 Action Disipline Flre_Ball
December 3 Asymmetric NeodymiumCheese
December 4 Blossom DerHausaufgabe
December 5 Hurricane Flre_Ball
December 6 Magma DerHausaufgabe
December 7 Melody DerHausaufgabe
December 8 Nuclear Power DerHausaufgabe
December 9 Pillars Flre_Ball
December 10 Revolve NeodymiumCheese
December 11 Terror Tower Flre_Ball
December 12 Three Fold Flre_Ball
December 13 Rollercoaster NeodymiumCheese
December 14 Glacier NeodymiumCheese
December 15 Pipeline Flre_Ball
December 16 Hop  Skip and a Jump NeodymiumCheese
December 17 Toodee Archimetropolis
December 18 Scaffolding Flre_Ball
December 19 Risky Dash Flre_Ball
December 20 Symmetrics Flre_Ball
December 21 The Warehouse Flre_Ball
December 22 Simple NeodymiumCheese
December 23 Illyngophobia NeodymiumCheese
December 24 Run The Line Flre_Ball
December 25 Surface Circa1987
Motorized DerHausaufgabe
The Agents Convey Flre_Ball
Scrambler Archimetropolis
Zippy NeodymiumCheese
Rhodophobia BriefSerendipity

Pride Month 2021[]

To celebrate Pride Month, Tower of Hell released 16 pride trails including the Pride Trail from the previous year's event and 15 new trails, each resembling an LGBTQ+ flag.

Three secret sections were added on June 1st: Pride, Pride Picker and Pride TV. The YXCeptional Studios logo was also changed to resemble a pride flag and a trans flag.

The event's trails can be obtained from the three secret sections:
- In Pride, you get 3 random trails depending on what flags appear.
- In Pride Picker, you can use the buttons to rotate between the trails and select the trail you want. You can get 7 trails from this section.
- In Pride TV, you get all 16 trails by entering the section.

The Pride Trail and Trans Trail were also obtainable as Purple rarity effects in coin boxes.

April Fools 2021[]

To celebrate April Fools' Day, every player had a pair of cat ears and a cat tail added to their avatar for the day.

The ears and tail that the player gets was randomly chosen out of a few different variants of each.

New Year 2021[]

To celebrate New Year's, uwuPyxl released 13 new sections on the 31st of December 2020, The Tower of Hell was also updated from 169 sections to 210 sections.

Decisions, Hardy Snake and Sloppy Jumps were removed, with their builders being demoted for inactivity (LanaDelNymph, Nx_ahh and ZemyUsed).

Name Image Creator Removed?
Double Crossed Double Crossed-0 BriefSerendipity No
Ease Y Ease Y Circa1987 No
Gravity Treck GravityTreck Flre_Ball No
Half Half DerHausaufgabe No
Hallow Orbit Hallow Orbit DerHausaufgabe No
Hold On HoldOn DerHausaufgabe No
Hook HookSection2 DerHausaufgabe No
Hurdle Hurtle Hurdle Hurtle-0 Archimetropolis No
Joyride Joyride2 Flre_Ball No
Killbrick Mayhem KiIIbrick Mayhem Archimetropolis No
Kunst Kunst1 DerHausaufgabe No
Laser Crossover LaserCrossover Flre_Ball No
Laser Grid Laser Grid DerHausaufgabe No

Christmas 2020[]

To celebrate Christmas, snow particles were added to the tower, they fall constantly in the tower and will continue to until the Christmas event ends.

A snowman was added next to the ladder, touching the snowman will equip a pink top hat to your avatar's head, this hat will stay on your head until you next die, even in between rounds. Behind the snowman there is a small smiling radispook that references ObrenTune's previous game "Radispook".

A new section was released every day from the 1st to the 24th of December. Seven sections were released on the 25th to celebrate Christmas day. A table of all 31 sections is below:

Date added Name Creator
December 1 Down Stream Flre_Ball
December 2 Downfall DerHausaufgabe
December 3 Crag Archimetropolis
December 4 Crushed DerHausaufgabe
December 5 Curved Way Flre_Ball
December 6 Alien Jumps Flre_Ball
December 7 Aqua DerHausaufgabe
December 8 Breach DerHausaufgabe
December 9 Skatepark Flre_Ball
December 10 Code DerHausaufgabe
December 11 Connecting DerHausaufgabe
December 12 Cherry DerHausaufgabe
December 13 Veins uwuPyxl
December 14 Running on Circles uwuPyxl
December 15 Brickade DerHausaufgabe
December 16 Claws DerHausaufgabe
December 17 Dices DerHausaufgabe
December 18 Directional Grid Archimetropolis
December 19 Viper DerHausaufgabe
December 20 Deathspeed DerHausaufgabe
December 21 Double Cross Flre_Ball
December 22 Death Jump DerHausaufgabe
December 23 Conveyor Walk DerHausaufgabe
December 24 Dropping DerHausaufgabe
December 25 Clapped DerHausaufgabe
Constant DerHausaufgabe
Dashing DerHausaufgabe
Deadly Snake DerHausaufgabe
Electricity DerHausaufgabe
Fragmented Flre_Ball
Heartbeat Horror Flre_Ball

Pride Month 2020[]

Pride trail

Pride Trail with its YXclusive rarity.

To celebrate Pride Month, an effect called the "Pride Trail" was added to the coin boxes for a limited period of time. The effect had a legendary rarity, meaning there was a very low chance of getting it from a box.

A while after, Pride Month was over. The pride trail was removed from the coin boxes and the rarity was changed to the black YXclusive rarity.

April Fools 2020[]

To celebrate April Fools' Day, the walls of the tower were removed for the day. This caused mass panic among the player base before they realized it was an April Fools' Day prank. The staff team pretended the game was hacked and also that the walls were removed for "disturbing players".

A few other things were done to try to further prank people:

  • The name of the game was changed to "of Hell" and later changed to just "Hell".
  • The game's thumbnail was originally changed to a picture of a cat and later changed back to normal.
  • The description of the game was changed to just be "The tower is gone".
  • Names of the sections and creators were moved onto the starting platform instead of the wall.

After April Fools' Day ended, the game was returned to normal entirely.

Christmas 2019[]

To celebrate Christmas in 2019, there was a massive Christmas Update. uwuPyxl described this update as "most likely our biggest update we will ever have" showing that the size of this update was huge.

Snow particles were added to the tower along with a snowman and a mini Radispook. The snowman would give you a pink top hat if you touched it.

The first ever effects were also added to the game, allowing you to customize your character. The shop was also overhauled with the prices of gears being massively reduced.

The Christmas Update also removed the infinite coins pass and replaced it with double coins as it was too overpowered. The people who bought it were also given a YXclusive green halo effect. The update also removed the section Skyfalls.

Christmas 2018[]

To celebrate Christmas in 2018, 30 new sections were released all at once, 2 sections were removed as well (Frightning Lightning and Volcano). This was done on the 24th of December, 2018.

This event took Tower of Hell from 100 to 128 sections.

To see the list of sections, click on the "[Expand]" button on the far right of the table.

Name Image Creator Removed?
Arrows Arrows Archimetropolis Yes
Combined Combined northriverr No
Contrast Contrast Archimetropolis No
Corner Catch Zone CornerCatchZone Archimetropolis No
Disco Disco-0 Archimetropolis No
Dizzying Paths Dizzyingpaths1 Blulectricity No
Drop Drop Blulectricity No
Flames Flames NeodymiumCheese No
In and Out Ln and Out primord_ial No
Jellow Yellow Jello yellow Ket_Overkill Yes
Jurassic Forest Jurassic Forest Flre_Ball No
Lost in Space Lost in space1 JoshyMelons Yes
Math Math V0Ivo No
Neon Neon (1) Archimetropolis No
No No Archimetropolis Yes
One Side One Side-0 Ordinary_Fiesta No
Overlapped Overlapped Flre_Ball No
Pyramids Pyramids alphexi Yes
Rubiks Cubes Rubiks Cubes Archimetropolis No
Simplicity Simplicity NeodymiumCheese No
Spiked Up Spiked Up-0 ExaminabIe No
Summit Climb SummitClimb Flre_Ball No
Sweeping Tower SweepingTower-0 Precession No
Sweet Sweat Sweetsweatmodel JoshyMelons Yes
Tango Tango Flre_Ball No
The Death Blocks The Death Blocks-0 ApplePieNoob1 No
Tower Climb TowerClimbStudio RandomPlayerONthis Yes
Wall Climb Wall climb Maghster No
Windmills WindmillsImage Precession No
Yxle Terror Yxle Terror Archimetropolis No

The sections remained in the game after the event ended; however, some have since been removed for other reasons.

