Tower of Hell Wiki

Cliffs Edge is a section created by Flre_Ball and was added on September 2nd, 2021.


This rust section starts with two long regular part jumps in which the player must dodge a killpart on the left in between them. The player then continues onto the 'edge of the cliff' in which they hug the wall to dodge killparts on the edge of each jump. Then you must jump onto the top walls and backtrack up to the second half of the section.

This part of the section features seat like jumps where the vertical parts are killparts. The first jump you have to stay to one side to prevent your arm hitting the killpart and the second you jump over the two killparts. From here the player completes a few regular jumps dodging some killparts to finish the section.


  • You can skip the last platform to save time.
  • You can skip the third pillar and jump from the second one to the fourth one.


  • The section's name is grammatically incorrect as it is missing an apostrophe. It should be spelled as "Cliff's Edge".
    • However, this is also due to the font for the section name not having apostrophes.